Active ETA investors with unique investing and operating know-how
Search Funds
Paltus Capital is managed by two ex-searchers (Juan de Dios Aguilar & Ramiro Alfaro) who have a deep understanding and empathy for the Search Fund process. The Paltus Capital team includes successful searchers, Search Fund-friendly investors, and operators with strong ties to the ETA community. It is backed by a regional multi-family office and asset manager. Paltus Capital has backed searchers in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, US and Guatemala. Juan de Dios Aguilar lead Padua to successfully acquire and operate Distribuciones Globales where he remains as part of the board. This acquisition is on track to become one of the best performing Search Funds in LatAm. Ramiro Alfaro lead Paltus Capital as a Search Fund which he transformed into a Private Equity manager which invests in a variety of asset classes and industries.
Why Paltus Capital?
Search Fund Model
We like, understand and have experience in de Search Fund Model
On-demand Support
Search and deal structure best practices
Guidance in due dilligence and structuring process
Experienced Investors
We have experience investing across multiple asset classes globally. Our focus is on Search Fund investing but are open and flexible to addressing other situations
Financing Support
We support your financing process though our LP base coinvesting
Search Funds we've invested in

Active portfolio companies